How To Grow Your Business In The Digital World?


How To Grow Your Business In The Digital World?


There’s no regret that the Internet has involved nearly all the aspects of our life. A search engine is now a general place where people all over the world go for what they want. It simply means your business in the digital world relies on your presence in search engines.


In the 21st century, the lifestyle of humans is totally changed. If you were a businessman in an earlier era, you only had to get a shop, products considered with your business and a signboard to promote your business. There was no concept of marketing other than a signboard. Bigger your signboard, higher your market. It was a concept of marketing before the internet has penetrated every aspect of our lives.


Customers, which are the backbone of an organization, are now more conscious about what they are getting in return for their money. They are aware of the quality of the products. Even our closest persons can refuse to do business with us until we get them convinced.


One needs to know the right metrics for the growth of your business. They are indispensable to know the right direction for your move. If you are succeeded to know these metrics, it can effectively help you to grow and optimize your business in the digital world to get more fame and sells.


Here are some strategies to grow your business in the digital world.


1. Know Your Channels


Identify the channels through which your concerning clients and the general public can be introduced and connect to your business. Marketing distribution channels comprise of various media. These channels will promote your business.


These channels may include your company’s personal blog, a website, social media platforms; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Search Engines, PPC campaigns, and so on. SMS marketing is also an easy and effective way of reaching more audience and promoting your business. We’ll also discuss SMS marketing in this article.


It is your duty to identify all the possible channels where your prospects can learn about your business by reading relevant and useful content regularly. You’ll have to develop and publish this relevant, useful, and engaging content for your audience.


As we often heard, content is king. Make sure your content is able to engage and attract your audience towards your business. Let your audience know thoroughly that what you are doing for these channels.


2. Grow your presence on Social Media


There is no denying on social media that it is growing as the largest platform where people spend most of their time. Even they search for products, services, and food on social media. They look for everything they need.


Grow your presence at Social Media by boosting your engagements. You can create profiles, groups, and pages for your business. The social media platforms famous for business are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You should ensure your presence at these platforms.


What you need to grow your presence is to get your prospective customers connected to you. On Facebook, you can drive your business activities through Facebook ads. You need more engagements whether by Facebook ads or by working hard to get more followers on your page.


On Instagram, you have to get more followers to make a difference. Having a larger number of followers on your business profile makes an impression on your audience. You can explore how to boost your Instagram engagements. Alternatively, you can buy Instagram followers to boost your engagements effectively and efficiently. So on for other social media platforms.


3. Create a website


Create a portal through which the world can connect to you and your business, this portal is a website. Creating your website makes sure your presence on the internet. A website can be a powerful tool to run business activities, boost your sales and ensure the overall growth of the business.


A website gives your customers an easy way to learn more about you and your business. People can get knowledge about the services you are providing. It makes easier for your customers to get your services sitting at home instead of covering a distance to visiting your business place.


There are many tools on the Internet like WordPress that can help you to create a professional website for your business. The tools are exceptional when you don’t have enough knowledge about markup languages likes HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript, etc.


Alternatively, If cannot develop a website by yourself, you can hire a team of website developers to create a website for you.


4. Start Blogging


A blog is a part of a website. On your blog, you share insight matters relating to your industry and business. It can have on your search engine ranking and positive impact simultaneously.


Try to publish relevant content on your blog on a daily basis, it shows your presence and knowledge; you have about your field, to your prospective customers.


Consistency is the key to success. As we often heard, steady wins the race. Be steady and don’t miss a chance you get to engage your audience. Show your consistency in creating engaging content for your blog and other channels as well.


5- SEO and Digital Marketing


A large number of internet users look from search engines for businesses and service providers. If your website is not to search engine optimized, you’ll still remain invisible to your targeted audience because of your competitors. Many other similar service providers are standing before you.


A good way to start with search engine optimization is to have the most relevant content on your website. Your content should be a narrative of your services or products you are providing on the internet.


You can hire a team of SEO experts to completely optimize your website. SEO is dispensable to grow your business in the digital world by ranking your website against relevant keywords as most of the prospective customers reach you from search engines.


6-SMS Marketing


Short Message Marketing (SMS) is a way of marketing that allows you to interact with your customers directly via text messages. You must know about email marketing, SMS marketing is similar to email marketing.


If you post a message on the wall of your Facebook page or Instagram profile, there’ll be no certainty that all of your followers will see your message. But the message delivered through SMS Marketing has higher chances of interaction. The recipient must see the text message at least once.


The higher chances of interaction show that SMS Marketing is an effective way of marketing. With all the above-explained strategies, you can also apply this strategy to strengthen your marketing.


Final Thought:


Growing your business in the digital world is now a bitter pill to boost your sales and ensure all over the growth of the business. Business growth can’t occur ever without careful, intelligent planning, and tactful execution. Apply these strategies to rock in the digital world as a businessman.

Does Bulk SMS Work in 2019? Should You Use It?


Does Bulk SMS Work in 2019? Should You Use It?


As social media plays a huge role today because it is the most popular source of entertainment and infotainment but it still does not eradicate the idea of SMS. SMS just works fine in India as people still depend on SMS for important transactional details like OTP, etc. Sometimes people get bored of social media channels and go back to reading recent or pending SMS on their mobile phones.


For business purposes SMS actually plays a better role than social media. As social media is huge, sometimes your message can get lost and on the other hand, if you use SMS to reach your target audience then there is a better chance for you to reach them as the SMS will display right on their screens telling all about your business making your message fruitful.


So yes, bulk SMS does work in 2019 and you must use it!


Using bulk SMS does help your business reach more people but it also comes with a limitation i.e that never send an SMS to DND numbers. Some people are not that fond of advertising and marketing messages, so they start Do not Disturb services in their mobile which blocks your bulk SMS to reach these numbers. Most people do not take up this service for their mobile phones making the path easier for you to reach out to people.


Bulk SMS helps you in sending a lot of messages quickly and easily through a PC. It has proven to be very fruitful in the past for marketing campaigns and has gained a lot of popularity. It is used for different campaigns today like sending greetings, party and event invitations, request a brochure, product promotions, discounts, or other purposes.


Here are 5 points to be considered when looking for bulk SMS services-


Price – It is a very important concern because of the increasing volume of traffic. Price combined with reliability and quality of service should be balanced to make the most of your bulk SMS campaign.


Reliability – You need to ensure the smooth running of bulk SMS service. Usual problems include- no delivery reports, message delays, no messages coming, and not setting sender ID. These should be taken care of in your bulk SMS service.


Scheduling – Bulk SMS should be sent at the right time and date. There are different situations you need to be vigilant of like don’t send messages in odd hours like a late night and when recipients are at work, also avoid sending a message at the last moment unless you are offering some incentive as part of your campaign, etc.


Attractive – The content of your bulk SMS should also be able to grab the attention of the readers. The message should be kept sweet and simple as usual, readers don’t like lengthy and boring messages. You should be able to convey your message in not more than two lines.


Option to send group messages – Be sure to choose bulk SMS service which has the option to select groups and contacts so that it is easier for you to send messages to a large number of people at the same time, either from contacts list or users in a specific area.

Author Bio

Deepak Sharma is the Founder & CEO of – A Digital Marketing Company in Gurgaon for startups. As a serial entrepreneur, Deepak has worked across sectors and countries and loves using technology to solve branding & customer acquisition problems. He is a published author and mentors too many startups.

Everything You Need to Know for Digital Marketing on Instagram


Everything You Need to Know for Digital Marketing on Instagram


Instagram was released in 2010 and from 2010 to 2019 there are many changes and features take place in the Instagram. There are 500 million-plus people using Instagram on a daily basis, this is proof of its popularity. Initially, Instagram was launched just for pictures sharing but it becomes the biggest marketing platform, Instagram ranked at the number for sharing photos and videos on the social media, over 25 million-plus business people have registered on the Instagram and 80% people have followed the business Instagram profiles. Instagram release many extraordinary features those are helping in marketing.


Reason to Use Instagram for Digital Marketing:


1. Massive Amount of Audience


Over 500 million people are using Instagram on a daily basis as you can see this is best opportunity to offer your business to a huge audience on a single platform. Most people on Instagram are the age of between 18 to 35 years, if you want to gain more sales and traffic for your business then Instagram is literally the best platform for this purpose. Instagram provides you some magnificent features those will definitely help you in your business marketing. In this matter, Gramifly will help you to gain more followers, likes and engagements.


2. Using of Hashtags

Using of Hashtags

When you buy anything from the brand, then you definitely want to upload on the social media platform. During publishing, you mention the brand name, product name and use of the product, what about if you mention these things in the hashtags in this way you can get an instant boost on your post and gain more traffic. This will also help you in monitoring the performance of your post.


3. Monitor your Competitor


If you are new on Instagram then in the start you don’t have any following, visitors and engagement but other on Instagram those are marketing before you, they have a huge following, visitors and engagements. If you want to increase your presence on Instagram then you need to monitor the activities of your competitors, you need to analyze how they interact with people towards their self. Instagram allows you to monitor the activities of the competitor, even you can use the hashtags of the competitor but you can’t use their


How to Create Instagram Business Account


There is a very easy way for creating the business account, just follow the steps and create your own account.


– First of all download the Instagram app and open it


– Go to sign up option and create your account with an email. We recommend you to create a separate email for business purpose.


– Move to settings and scroll down, there you will see the option of the switch to business click on that


– Upload your content regularly and follow the users on Instagram.


Increase your Following and Engagements on Instagram


1. Upload Eye Catchy Content


Always upload the content that is great in look and eye-catchy. Don’t upload the copied content, you can use the idea but you can’t copy the content of others. Always design the post in such a way that it will attract the user and force them to share your content. Bold and highlight the key points on the post.


2. Keep Your Presence Regular


You should maintain your regularity on Instagram, must upload your content once a day and if you are sharing your content on stories then you should need to upload your content 4 times a day. It will help to increase your brand awareness and presence on Instagram.


3. Live Broadcasting


Try to go live and talk with your people live. This tip will help you to create interaction with your audience. Wherever you go online your followers will receive notification that you come online. In live video tell your audience about your upcoming products, events or review your any product. We suggest you go live on weekends.

Live Broadcasting

4. Mention Everything in Hashtags


Hashtags are the best way for giving an instant boost to your post, always use trending hashtags but the hashtags must be related to your brand. If you are writing anything such as product tile, brand name, and review, etc then mention in the hashtags. The one more benefit of hashtagging is it will help you in search engine optimization.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Tips Your Business Can’t Survive Without


Top 10 Digital Marketing Tips Your Business Can’t Survive Without


In our times, leveraging the digital platform has become a necessity for each and every business and it is safe to say that for many businesses, their survival is dependent on a good online presence. This growing need for digital marketing solutions can be seen all across India, and especially in major cities like Delhi, where many digital marketing agencies have opened.


It is not necessary for businesspersons to have a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing, but, for the sake of giving direction to a digital marketing agency and for analyzing their performance, it is important that they understand some of the basics.


If you are planning to use the digital medium for your business, these simple tips will help you to effectively manage your digital marketing activities:


1. Figure Out Your Online Goals


It is the nature of your business and the objectives that you set out to achieve that define the online needs of your business. For Example, the online needs of an e-commerce business will be very different from a business which is just using the internet for promotion purpose.


Before you invest in digital marketing, figure out ‘what you want to achieve’ and ‘how much you want to achieve’.


2. Build Your Presence


Creating sustainable online assets is the first step of digital marketing. These online assets include the creation of an optimized website, presence across social media channels (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram & Twitter, etc) and presence on search engines. If you hire a Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi, an audit of your online assets is the first thing they will do.


Apart from that, you can also become a part of industry related forums and social media platforms. Ensure that your branding is consistent across all your online assets.


3. Create Brand Guidelines


Once you have decided to leverage online marketing for your business, it is likely that sooner or later, you will hire a digital marketing agency. Before you do that it is very important that you clearly define your brand guidelines.


By doing that you can ensure that the marketing work that you outsource remains consistent, and the editorial standards and tone of your online content is maintained.


4. Pay Attention To Content


The frequency, quality & utility of content that you publish online has a major influence on the performance of your online assets.


By posting content on a consistent basis (in form of blogs, articles etc) which are of high quality and after reading which your audience feels enriched, helps you build strong and sustainable relationships with them. Even if you have outsourced your content writing work to an agency, make sure that the quality and utility of the content is never compromised.


5. Use More Visual Content


Video is one of the most engaging and effective ways to reach out to your audience and most big brands use videos as a major portion of their digital marketing strategy.


Apart from video content, infographics and rich images are also often used to make a content piece more attractive and readable.


6. Research Your Competitors


You can learn a lot by analyzing the online activities of your competitors. It is true that you need your own unique online strategy, but analyzing your competitor can give you clarity about important aspects like popular keywords, and the nature of the content being published.


And by identifying ‘what they are doing well’ & ‘what they are doing badly’, you can give yourself a competitive edge.


7. Learn Basic Google Analytics


By learning some basics of Google Analytics, you’ll give yourself the ability to assess the performance of digital marketing campaigns being run for your business. Especially when you have outsourced your digital requirements to a digital marketing agency, having some knowledge of Google Analytics can prove to be really handy.


8. Give Importance To SEO


SEO is a tried and tested way to maintain the online presence of a brand or business. Despite so many innovations in this field, SEO still rules the world of digital marketing.


9. Monitor Your Online Reputation


The internet is a free and open platform, and there can sometimes be negative chatter about your company or brand on social media and other online forums.


However, with the help of social monitoring tools, you can observe these conversations, and in case of some negative commentary, be quick to fix those problems. Ignoring online reputation can have a derogatory effect on your brand’s reputation.


10. Test Different Strategies


The beauty of online marketing is that there are many different methods through which you can achieve your online objectives. Be it search engine marketing, social media marketing or Youtube/Video advertising etc, you have a range of options to choose from. A good digital marketing strategy generally has a perfect combination of all of these methods.

Author Bio:

Soniya Basera is an experienced blogger and currently working on bringing out the fascinating trendiest happening and marketing situation through her blogs that provide proper understanding and guidance to the readers.

All You Need to Know About Facebook Algorithm Updates 2019


All You Need to Know About Facebook Algorithm Updates 2019


Changes in the algorithm of Facebook are a common occurrence but it brings a big shift in online way of doing business as it requires digital marketing experts to adjust how the posts are promoted and seen by its user base. There are many digital marketing factors like creating quality content, appealing visual graphics and latest information sharing on facebook to get huge engagement and to plan all these resources you need a digital marketing agency. However, the changes made in 2019 were far more significant than the previous one. It actually made the marketers to doubt their ability to reach the target audience.


The marketers are also worried about the ability of the businesses to work with influencers in the platform. The change in the algorithm shifted the content from business posts to more family and friends. So, have you updated with Facebook’s Algorithm yet? If not, here are some ways you can do it.


1. Understand the key changes


The Facebook algorithm is broken down in four major components- inventory, signals, predictions, and the overall score. Signals are the area that you need to take care of the content of your business. Social Signals in Facebook include the average time spent by the customer on the particular content. So it tracks how many have seen your content, how many likes and comments it got and how often it was shared on the timeline of users. Thus, in order to blench with the latest algorithm change, it is important that you make content that is more family friendly.


2. Top ranking factors


When it comes to how content is perceived do Facebook by the users, we consider four factors.


✓ Comments


If your post does not attract many comments and likes, it is most likely to vanish from the timeline of the users. Hence if the content is intriguing and attracts a lot of comments, it will surely make an appearance over the timelines of many users. That is why you must have seen Big Brands try to create content that instantly catches the eyes and compels the users to comment on it.


✓ Sharing


Just like the comments over the content, sharing of that content is equally important. Whatever post you make, in order to gain popularity you should always convince the viewers to share it further. This is the most organic method of promotion just like the word of mouth promotion.


✓ Reaction


The ability to fetch the right kind of reaction to your content is not only important but also very much in the trend. If you fail to get a positive reaction from the public, it is going to take your company further south. So invest a little time and share the right kind of content on the website.


✓ Engagement


Audience engagement is the key and this is actually a step above the sharing element. If your content is shared further and manages to get many likes and comments, your original post will bump up in the Facebook news feed. Thus, allowing more people to watch your content.


3. How the algorithm does actually affect marketers?


This is one of the important things that you need to understand if you are a marketer. The whole article is written on the crux of this main topic. SEO and digital marketing Services have made almost every company come online.


And one of the most popular mediums after Google is Facebook. Now almost all the brands irrespective of their industry, try their luck over Facebook. Some succeed while some fail. So what are the successful company different? They are using the right kind of content and targeting the right people over the platform. If you wish to gain traction on the post then you have to share the posts targeted to specific people, along with the potential customers. There are different ways to use digital marketing tools for different types of industries.


✓ Education sector


This industry has become one of the most competitive and sophisticated industries. All of this can be credited to just digital marketing and its tools. Many companies that are focussed only on the online dissemination of education are using the tools of digital marketing to target the audience. The main reason if the overwhelming usage is that this provides the industry a very cost-effective promotion. They can extract excellent results with very small investments and can use organic features like SEO, mobile marketing, and email marketing.


Not only the cost, but it also increases brand awareness. Many companies like Udemy and Up Grad which are purely online, have gained popularity due to digital marketing practices. Also, with more brand awareness, the conversion rates due to online promotion are usually higher than the physical means in the case of this industry. This helps in creating a positive presence and also allows potential customers to engage with satisfied customers.


✓ Real estate


One of the safest investments in the world is in Real Estate, most customers feel real estate is a physical sales transaction. However, just like many industries, this one is also dependant on online platforms. The industry transacts the products that require a lot of research and customers tend to engage in time taking process before making the final purchase. Thus, the companies are moving from the brick and mortar to make an online presence to ease the workflow and customer acquisitions simple and to make this online set up you may require a Digital Marketing Agency which will help you understand how a digital marketing agency can grow your business online. Many companies like magic bricks, 99acres are operating through online platforms only.


The digital marketing tools have made the industry even more lucrative for businessmen who wish to start the business with lesser investment. This is just the right platform where they can reach the right customers at the lowest possible cost. Most useful tools for the real estate industry will be Blogging, Pay per click, Social media marketing, SEO and email marketing. Many businesses have shared their success stories of how they were able to increase the revenues by 30% after using digital marketing tools.


✓ Healthcare industry


Searching for healthcare services online is the third most popular activity. I think this one line says enough of why the healthcare industry is shifting online. Now the reason why digital marketing is gaining momentum in the healthcare industry is due to the fact that the people are not looking for the reason for their problem but also for the solutions. Promarketo helps with digital marketing services for healthcare institutions like hospitals, doctors, and consultants to promote their valuable solutions to the patiemts.


Thus the healthcare industry can leverage the full advantage of this by developing a mobile marketing campaign and content marketing. For the healthcare industry, content marketing is the most beneficial tool.


Most of the people searching online want more information, so they will be readily available to engage in blog posts and big articles. There are many companies that are also engaging in social media marketing by using the digital word of mouth feature. This simply means joining the potential customers to satisfied customers to build trust and brand loyalty among the people. Use the statistical data by the entrusted digital marketing campaigns for hospitals and doctors, to know what people want an deliver the same service.


✓ Retail industry


This industry we are already aware of and how huge is its presence over the online platform. The online retail industry has grown manifolds during the last 5 years.


The direct contact with the customers has made the companies work better and also bring necessary changes in their business operations.


4. Solutions to adjust to the Facebook algorithm


There are ways you can adjust to the changes made in the algorithm of Facebook rather making any serious change. Here are some tips you can follow:


✓ Try to create more conversational activity over your post.


When people talk, the post tends to get more popularity. Because of this simple reason you might show up on the top of the page. So you can create the buzz by posting some current affair over which people can share their views or simply post a discount offer or services where the customers get bound to reply. However, make sure that you don’t use negative publicity to gain attraction from people. It will result in the worst repercussions than a good response.


✓ Try to make use of Facebook groups.


There are about a billion Facebook groups from where you actually get the information of the potential customers. Join two or more such group where you can discuss the business and see for yourself the change in the level of engagement. The main reason for improved engagement is the people you are contacting actually care about the content you are sharing.
So this is all about you can channel the digital marketing tools and adjust to the changes made in the algorithm of Facebook. There are various Digital Marketing Companies and tools available online that can help you take your business to the zenith.


Good luck!

6 Digital Marketing Skills For Your Entry-Level CV


6 Digital Marketing Skills For Your Entry-Level CV


Entering any new industry is scary and exciting at the same time! Part of that comes from the effort to land your first digital marketing position. Your job application materials are a critical piece of the puzzle. Placing the right skills in the right place on your entry-level CV can be the difference between making it to an interview and getting placed in the trash bin with several other applicants.


The skills for your entry-level CV should be diverse and target the relevant trends in the field. The following skills will demonstrate your digital fluency and technical know-how to be effective in the field.


1. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is important because it is a platform for people to discover and share similar content. Link building is a vital asset of using social media sites and it helps improve a company’s visibility and web presence in relevant circles. It is a great benefit to a company for an applicant to feel comfortable posting effective marketing in multiple social media platforms.


2. Marketing Campaign Analytics

Marketing Campaign Analytics

Combining all types of digital marketing, including social media marketing, is possible through savvy use of analytics. There is data available for basically all user actions and decisions. This data can inform decision making and assess whether you are able to help the company meet targeted demographics.


3. SEO Optimization

SEO Optimization

It is common knowledge that people do not go past the first three results in search engine results. This makes it imperative for your website to show up in the top of a result. Search engine optimization is a moving target with evolving standards. Staying abreast of the latest trends is critical to create a digital presence.


4. Content Creation and Delivery

Content Creation and Delivery

People need to consume content to gain awareness of a company or product. Delivering engaging content through social media marketing and other platforms takes skill and a sense of what the customer or client wants to see. People digest information in short and bite size chunks and react to visual messaging. According to this Infographic, if your website lacks content, you could be losing up to 44% of potential clients. So, content creation and delivery is very important!


5. Communication Skills

Communication Skills

Most of the work you will do is online. This does not mean that you will never talk to people. Actually, it is quite the opposite! As a digital marketer, you will excel in some technical skills and fall short in others. Digital marketing team members are able to create a wonderful and engaging experience by working in a collaborative environment. Showing evidence of past projects where you communicated well is critical.


6. Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing

While many people have laptops or tablets, even more have smart phones. Creating digital marketing experiences that can work on any screen and with multiple apps is critical. We all spend a lot of time on our phone and can be subtly influenced by the marketing seen. Responsive design is a skill that any top marketer should learn.


In Conclusion


The above skills should make their way onto any entry-level digital marketing resume. Gaining a deep awareness of how to optimize digital marketing through social media and analytics is critical towards helping the business you will work for.

Author’s Bio:

Hello, my name is Emin, I am a Los Angeles-based designer and a marketing specialist, I love writing about guides and tutorials about Social Media Marketing and Internet Marketing in general.

Learn Expert Branding Tips So That Your Startup Gets Instant Recognition & Ultimate Success in 2019


Learn Expert Branding Tips So That Your Startup Gets Instant Recognition & Ultimate Success in 2019


Branding is supposed to be the major reason why startups fail or succeed and it is also, the key differentiator between highly-successful startups and startups that fail to make a mark in the industry. Startups require connecting with people and convincing them to buy their specific product or service that is still not recognized as a proven solution. As per, “Good branding is at the heart of any great business. You need only look around you to see the evidence. Companies like Dyson, Virgin, and even Coca Cola didn’t just make an impact because they have great products. These companies are effective because they know how to present themselves to the right audiences at the right times.” While chalking out an effective startup branding strategy, you may find the process pretty overwhelming and may mean a lot of hard work on a superficial level but you stand to gain a lot if you build a brand carefully. Here are some expert branding tips for your startup so that it is able to create a strong foothold in the industry it belongs to.


Know & Clearly Understand Your Target Market


The very first effort to brand your startup is to gain a thorough understanding of the target audience. You must clearly know who would be the people you would be aspiring to reach, impress and convince. Think about the specific people who wish that they would be experiencing your brand. When you have identified your precise target audience, all aspects of your branding strategy must be connected and relevant to the target market.


Give Top Priority to Your Brand


During the initial days when your startup has just been established, you may not be paying too much attention to branding when your intention and focus is on selling off your products and getting income for proving your worth to the investors. However, you simply cannot overlook the branding aspect during the foundation years as you need to build a niche in the market and a name and reputation for your brand.


We know that brands find a way to emerge and evolve spontaneously so you must take the initiative to define them effectively and control them consciously. That would surely prove to be easier when your startup is in its initial phase and your team is quite small and very much open to innovative ideas. When you develop a coherent brand, you could stand tall among the rest and your business would be noticed by potential customers from the very beginning. You may seek professional assistance from a reputed company offering digital marketing NYC for smart branding solutions.


Consider Selling Your Story


You must focus on selling your story if you are thinking of building a robust brand. However, the greatest challenge you would encounter is that nobody would recognize you or your startup initially. Building your story is the best way of focusing on building your company identity and business culture. Narrating your unique story is a memorable way to identify effectively with you and your brand on a really more personal note. You need to sell an experience much before you sell any product.


Define the Brand Influencers


Your brand actually is supposed to be your business personality and could be expressed in numerous ways. Your brand would be surely reflected in your brand color, your logo, your voice tone, and your graphics style. The next aspect to consider is that of brand values. These are the traits and characteristics that determine how your business would be conducted and the way your employees would feel, think, and behave. It may prove to be useful if your brand is regarded as a description or summary of who you actually are when you seem to be at your best instead of a bunch of rules regarding what you should always be.


In this context, you may know that marketing channels could assume the role of brand management. Boosting your brand awareness i.e. the degree of understanding your customers have of your specific brand and the way they could interpret it as a strategic goal meant to boost your startups. You could assess that by paying attention to your target audience via the conversational channels such as social media.


Your Brand Must Be Different from Those of the Competitors


Your brand is an expression of your values and desires and exactly who you really are. However, we simply cannot deny the fact that specific industries would be coming up with an apparently common brand language wherein some fonts, colors, illustration styles are typical across numerous businesses. It is up to you to take the decision whether to use the already existing branding techniques in your industry or use some path-breaking branding techniques that obviously, are unique.


Consider Using Audits for Keeping Your Brand in Top Condition


Once you have come up with a brand for your startup and your startup has been running smoothly for a while, certainly, it would be a fantastic idea to monitor and examine the branding scenario on a regular basis with an effective brand audit. A brand audit seems to be very much an internal process which would be helping you in keeping track of the consistency of the brand, how effectively it aligns with your way of doing business and how your specific business is actually perceived by all your customers.


Boost Your Visibility for Branding Success


You need to maximize your startup’s visibility. Your branding objective is to reach your precise target audience via a well-coordinated message across a number of platforms. You need to customize your branding efforts for maximizing customer experience and generating passionate and loyal customers who could be advocating on your behalf, hence, boosting growth and traction for your startup.




Building a robust brand should commence with precisely the reason why you seem to matter to your customers, and gradually, build up to really bigger visual, as well as, verbal brand environment for playing with. We know that it is definitely, about consistency, structure, and active ideation for boosting your brand identity and recognition in the manner it matters most. When you come up with lots of designs, actionable guidelines and on-brand marketing messages, chalking out a marketing funnel seems to be a breeze.

Author Bio:

Barrack Diego has worked as an editor and writer for more than 10 years. He enjoys mentoring young and upcoming writers. To find out more about Technology, Business, SEO, WordPress, Social Media, Branding Tips visit

7 Proven Ways to Drive Traffic to a New Website


7 Proven Ways to Drive Traffic to a New Website


Since last two decades, the nature of business has drastically changed as we can see that most of the businesses prefer online industry over the old traditional way of business.


Businesses now keep a budget not only for the development of their business’s website but also for its advertisement and social media promotion. After the development of the website, it’s really important to drive traffic to it. After a deep research, we have compiled the seven proven ways to drive real traffic to your website and grow your business like a champion.


1. Responsive and User-friendly website


To increase traffic and get loyal users, it is significant to keep your website up-to-date and equipped with modern features. The website should be responsive that may help users view it easily on all types of devices. To gain the search engine and the customer’s trust, your website must have the following ingredients:


Necessary pages – Such as About Us, Sitemap, Contact, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Condition pages to keep all data and terms of your business/website transparent.


Loading time – It takes only a couple of seconds for the viewer to switch to another website. So, the website loading speed should not be more than a few seconds.


Google Analytics Tracking – You must add a Google Analytics tracking code to track and analyze your traffic.


On-page SEO – To improve website rankings on the search engines, on-page SEO is must.


Search Engine Submission – Submit the website to search engines such as Google and Bing.


2. Write Quality Content


Write original and unique content, the main ingredient of your website, that helps you rise on the search engines. Write informative material for users, not the search engines. Given below is the checklist for your content.

● Keep it to the point
● Add examples and outbound links
● 100% original content
● No duplications
● Avoid content spinners
● Explain with headings, sub-headings, and bullets
● Add statistics and figures where needed
● Add a table of content to the long articles

3. Answer the Relevant questions on online Forums


In the initial stages, forums can help you drive tons of traffic to your website. The forum is a platform where users ask questions and look for their answers. Certain forums such as Quora have huge viewership. So, if you answer the relevant questions and direct it to your website by adding a link, people won’t hesitate to visit your website.


You have to play smart while finding a question to answer. The best practice is to find a question that has over 1000 views and add a detailed answer. Answering a question that already has 1 to 5 answers may be beneficial.


4. Guest Blogging


Writing blogs posts as a guest, on other quality blogs, can drive ultimate traffic to your website. Try to dig deep in Google to find the blogs related to your niche and contact them, if there is any possibility for a guest post.


There are tons of articles on the internet where with hundreds of listed blogs that offer, free and paid, guest blogging on their sites. To get a productive response, follow the steps:

● Search for a relevant blog
● Contact the owner asking for a guest post in a polite and effective way, stating how your post can be beneficial for his website.
● Write a fruitful and informative post, and follow their guidelines, if any.
● Add one or two links to your website or a specific page on your website.
If the said blog has high authority, it will help you to get higher ranking on the search engines.

5. Social Media Appearance


Remember, social media is among the most powerful media platforms nowadays. Facebook alone has more than 2 billion monthly active users. You can use several social media platforms to create engagement and loyal fan following.


Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can drive you tons of traffic. How to use Social Media to drive traffic? It’s not difficult. Given below are some effective ways to use social media:

● Create engaging posts
● Ask questions
● Offer promotions and giveaways
● Run polls
● Run paid ads on a targeted audience
● Go live
● Answer the questions asked on your social media pages
● Create informative videos about your business or products

6. Google AdWords and Facebook Paid Advertising


Google Ad Words is one of the biggest markets for advertisers that can give you instant exposure in your target market. Facebook paid ads are also among the effective ways to reach your target audience. While starting a new business, it is recommended to keep a budget for paid advertising campaigns. You can target audience based on interests, demographics, gender, age, and other aspects.


7. Polls, Giveaways, and Contests


You can do several things to create engagement. Some of them are:

● Ask relevant and interesting questions (On social media)
● Run polls (It can be done on your website as well as social media platforms)
● Announce giveaways on different milestones
● Offer exciting gifts
● Offer customized giveaways to the selected users

There are tons of other ways to create engagement and drive traffic, but you need to do some brainstorming as per your business needs.


Final words


Experts say, there are hundreds of aspects considered by the search engines to rank your websites. So, never take your online business easy, and play smart to get the desired results. A little of focused research will give you hundreds of other ideas to drive instant traffic to your website. Also, try to study web hosting, and generate the idea on how it can affect your website SEO.

Author Bio:

Pauline Jacobs is a blogger, a content writer and a freelance researcher. She has interests in contemporary sociology, cutting-edge technology, and journals on the algorithmic rise of computing. She is a current contributor to Your Last Host blogs and contents.

5 Simple Steps To An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy


5 Simple Steps To An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy


B2B businesses in 2018 arrangement to build their interest in Email, website and social media marketing according to MarketingProfs. Enterprises are trying their best to develop their sales and lead online. So, to get higher conversion it is essential for you to pay more focus on the strategy you are using for different online marketing channel, And you must have a strong understanding of them.


So, below are the best five techniques to get your online marketing strategy on the strong ground.


1. Understand Your Target Market


It is essential to move around your target audience and know their characteristics. There are number of businesses make a customer avatar or persona to dive profound into both their statistic and psycho graphic features. Neglecting what customer want for you is a solid reason behind falling of many businesses. They only focus on the product or services they develop, they take it as a fascinating and start marketing it. If you follow this without knowing your customers, then you are pursuing a losing fight to reach on top.


Take a gander at your present customer base if you have one. What are their key demographics? Take a survey to know more about what they want.


There are organizations that emphasis exclusively on target statistical surveying. If you have a good budget, put resources into this.


If this is another endeavor, surveying people who are in your target specialty. Then look for where they are on the internet and begin to join those groups or discussions or social media platforms.


2. Give them what they need


When you have a reasonable understanding of your target group, the 2nd step is to discover what they need and make products or services they require. When you know your market well, it’s anything but difficult to identify regions where there is execution or quality hole that you can fill.


3. Convey the Goods


When you locate a hungry group of people who are urgent for your products or services, your next step is to think how to put particular services in front of them with a convincing offer.


Contingent upon your business model, this includes eye to eye or physical contact, or you may have exchanges online using your site.


Before you can make your offer, you have to consider the expense of your product or service. You can look into your rival valuing, evaluate production and conveyance costs for the correct net revenue. You can likewise consider the psychological esteem that your merchandise give to your target showcase.


4. Pick the Right Promotion Method


There are a variety of promotional methods which can make anybody confounded. Some of the promotion methods include:

– Promotional Method Using Offline Path,
– Promoting in on TV,
– Facilitating or sponsoring events,
– Promotional things,
– Coupons,
– Send direct Email,
– Systems administration in the network (Meetup groups or Chamber of Commerce),
– Online Promotion Methods,
– Search engine optimization (SEO) procedures,
– Social media paths like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn
– Email list,
– Online promotions,
– Blogging,
– Podcasting,
– Article Marketing,
– Online Events or Livecast,
– Mobile,
– Search marketing.
The aim here is to discover the channel that has the most incentive for your business.

The way to fruitful marketing regardless of what methods you utilize or products you elevate is to keep it concentrated on your prospects. Continuously begin with what they need, and work your way back to your offer from that point. If you know them well, give what they need and take them to where they can see your offers.


5. Build up an Effective Marketing and Communications Plan


When you have finished the fundamentals, you would now be able to consider how you will manage the traffic.


Here is the thing that you need to center around when planning your campaign:


What is the objective of your campaign? Would you like to construct more brand mindfulness, increment leads, and sales?


What is the message you need to pass on to your target showcase?


What communication channel would you like to utilize? What bodes well based off what you think about your target advertise?


What sort of media will you send? Video, infographic, messages or will you utilize a coordinated methodology?


Keep in mind that the achievement of your marketing communications designs depends on your capacity to create the correct message at the opportune time, conveyed correctly.

Author Bio:

Kavya gajjar is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Social Media Agency Services. I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.