Top 8 Ideas for Your Email Marketing Campaign


Top 8 Ideas for Your Email Marketing Campaign




Email marketing is an important Inbound marketing channel for generating and nurturing b2c and b2b leads. One of the biggest reasons why marketers rely on email is that it is used widely and by people of all ages and professions. Research shows that in the US alone, 90.1% of people aged 15 to 65+ use email on a regular basis. It stands to reason therefore that you can reach much of your audience and build relationships with them if you make email marketing part of your lead generation campaigns.


Besides reaching wider audiences, email marketing delivers results cost-effectively. But whereas you may be aware of all these advantages and may indeed have been using email for lead generation, coming up with new and inspiring ideas can be difficult. Without new ideas, your campaigns will be dull and won’t inspire any clicks. To create email marketing campaigns that deliver results, you must be constantly innovative and evolve your approach to make your audience excited every time they see an email from you.


In this article, we will show you 8 ideas used and trusted by the best email marketing services and that will make your emails worth clicking on.


Top 8 ideas to revamp your email marketing campaign


1. Personalize your message


All lead generation services worth their salt will tell you that as the online space becomes more competitive, one-size-fits-all messages are quickly losing their effectiveness and are being replaced by personalized messages. Consumers too are asking for a personalized experience.


Personalized emails work for the following reasons:


• They appear tailor-made for the specific recipient, hence stand out among other promotional emails. More so, by personalizing, your audience will receive content that is right for them.


• They are more likely to be opened and read. According to campaign monitor, marketers who personalize their emails experience a 26% increase in open rates.


• Segmentation, a practice that enables personalization, results in better revenue and ROI. Research from DMA shows that participants experienced a 58% increase in revenue by segmenting and sending targeted emails.


But how, while marketing to thousands of people, can you make each one of your customers feel treated as an individual?


You can do so by making small changes to your emails such as:


• Instead of a generic greeting, address the recipient by name. If possible, the name should also be in the subject line.


• Customize content for your recipient. This is especially important when sending retargeting emails, in that your content should directly address what your prospect did when they were last online. Send them an offer for that product they looked at.


2. Increase engagement with video content


Video content has been shown to cultivate user interest and increase engagement. Even just including the word “video” in the subject can increase open rates. Experian, for instance, reported increased email open rates from 7% to 13% by mentioning “video” in the email subject. They also experienced conversion rates that were 21% higher where they included video in an email.


You can include video in your email using the following methods.

Embed video

Services like MailChimp and Vidyard make it possible to embed videos in an email. Embedding a video reduce the number of times your subscribers must click, giving them a more pleasant and efficient experience. This is especially the case for subscribers using mobile, where more clicks can quickly result in frustration, hence abandonment and fewer conversions.

Use a video thumbnail

A thumbnail is a video (or image) that typifies the content in your video. For your thumbnails to attract viewers, they should hint at the larger content in the video. Including a play button on a thumbnail is also a great way to attract viewers to click. Below is an example:

Use a video thumbnail
Image source: Vidyard

You can make your thumbnails more effective by customizing them to your audience.


Authenticity is key when you want to attract clicks. As such, invest some time in developing your own artwork instead of using stock graphics that may not relay your brand’s message effectively.


3. Include GIFs


In a bid to make your brand appear professional, you may put measures in place such as a set email template or specific wording and imagery. Unfortunately, this could result in marketing messages that are too formal, stiff and unnatural and near impossible to personalize. As you well know, personalization increases open rates, as evidenced by countless b2b marketing trends (including those mentioned above).


Granted, depending on your brand or audience, formal messaging formats and wording might be the only way to convey your message. But you can still stick to your messaging and use GIFs to give your emails more character. You can custom make your own GIFs with tools like Giphy, GIFmaker, imgflips among others.


One of the advantages of using GIFs is that they will help you to better demonstrate a point. For example, during their launch of XPS 12, DELL used a GIF in their marketing campaign to show people how the laptop easily converts into a tablet. Below were the campaign results:


• 6% higher email open rate

• 42% higher email click rate

• Increase in conversion by 103%

• 109% increase in revenue.


GIFs aren’t just useful in product launches. You can also include them in your welcome or thank you emails. A great example is this GIF by Greetabl, a company that specializes in gift cards.

image source reallygoodemails
Image Source reallygoodemails

So, next time you want to send a welcome or thankyou email to your clients, think about sending a GIF instead of plain text or image.


4. Improve your sales recovery strategy with cart abandonment emails


65% of shoppers abandon the checkout process before completing a purchase. This is known as cart abandonment and it is the very reason why you should put a lot of emphasis in improving your lead nurturing process.


You may not convince all cart abandoners to go back and complete checkout because not all leads ever intend to complete a transaction. However, some customers may have last minute doubts or just feel like they need to do some more research. Others may have a problem with their payment method or other technical difficulties. Such customers are highly likely to come back, but they need that extra nudge, which you can provide with cart abandonment emails.


Cart abandonment emails will keep you top of mind among customers that don’t convert. If you don’t engage such customers, they will forget you. While ecommerce emails have a 15% average open rate, data from SaleCycle shows that their abandonment emails attract more than double that average for multiple industries.


To increase the likelihood of conversion, reiterate the benefits of your offering in your email. You can also offer an incentive such as free shipping, free consultation/installation, free samples, or a buy-one-get one free offer.


Below is an example of a cart abandonment email below from New Pig:

abandonment email example. image from practical ecommerce
Image Source: practical ecommerce

5. Overhaul transactional emails


For most companies, transactional emails are just that; they serve to complete a transaction between you and the customer. But your transactional emails can be a valuable inbound marketing tool. Every email you send to an existing customer or lead represents an opportunity to connect and possibly convert. So why not use transactional emails for that!


Note that transactional emails are not just the email you send after a customer makes a purchase. Other transactional emails include:


• Welcome and thank you emails

• Account status updates e.g invoices, loyalty points, discounts

• Monthly billing updates

• Email address confirmation during a double-opt in subscription process

• Notification and reminders

• Support emails

• Error alerts

• Reengagement emails (with inactive customers)


Although transactional emails are automated and may not serve any marketing purposes, they are still important for the following reasons:


• They add a personalized touch to your brand.

• They are based on behavioral data, hence have high relevance and value to the recipient

• Since they trigger following an action, they are timed to reach and grab their target’s attention

• They help to build a bond between you and your customers because they are responding to something the customer is interested in.

• They close communication gaps and thereby make your brand look reliable


6. Try out different image types


There are many claims online that some images are more effective than others in marketing campaigns. Such claims may trigger questions such as:


• Should I use product images or images of people in my emails?

• Should the people be models or real clients?

• Is it better to illustrate or should I use real photographs?


It is a fact that some images have been shown to perform better than others. Nielsen Norman group for instance found that big “feel-good photos” that are decorative tend to be ignored, while images with real people attract more interest.


But while this may be the case, the only way to know which image will work best for YOUR audience is to experiment with different types. More importantly, as with any other type of content, images should portray relevant information, for them to be considered valuable.


Try out different types and A/B test them to find the ones that result in higher open rates.


7. Showcase your testimonials


Testimonials are your online version of “word-of-mouth”. A report by Nielsen shows that 92% of people trust their family’s and friends’ recommendations more than other forms of advertising. A well-timed testimonial sent to an abandoning customer may help to redirect such a customer back to their cart to convert. Similarly, a testimonial can allay doubts for customers in the consideration phase. As well, you can use testimonials to upsell your other products or solutions.


Note that whereas testimonials validate your brand and the expertise that you offer, they can work against you if they are fluffy or vague. As such,


• Only market your brand with testimonials that are specific and tangibly show positive impact. Customers may not always know what this looks like, so when asking for testimonials, ask your customers specific questions.

• More so, ensure the testimonials are given by real people. It’s always likely that your prospects will try to verify your customers’ existence, so any name you give should link back to a real person working in a real company.

• Lastly, tailor your testimonials to speak to your targeted demographics.


In your future email campaigns, integrate testimonials in emails sent throughout the buyer cycle.


8. Create habits


Consistency is an important element of successful email marketing. Without consistency, customers and any leads you are nurturing will quickly forget you and move on to another brand. Not only does your audience want you to send them he information they expect, they also want you to send it to them when they expect it. This approach works wonders for webinars, live videos and podcasts, and you can effectively use it to get your audience to look forward to your emails once they’ve come to expect them at an exact time or day.


Consistency creates habits, which will in turn benefit you in the following ways:

Boost sales

Say for instance that you send out a coupon every two weeks. After a few coupons, customers will start looking forward to them and prepare to take advantage of future coupons by buying more.

Educate Customers

Content is all about educating customers and quite often, it may take more than a series of emails for customers to feel comfortable with their level of knowledge. The more regularly you send content, the shorter the length of time the education process takes and the more effective the process.

Build relationships

Consistency will also keep you more in touch with prospects and existing customers, making it easier to nurture relationships with them.

Fulfill expectations

People subscribe to your emails because they want to receive them. Whenever you send them an email, you fulfill this need and when you don’t send, you disappoint your subscribers.

Building brand image

Consistency makes your brand appear professional and capable. If you don’t send emails on the expected date and time, subscribers begin to wonder about your brand’s level of professionalism and may deem you incapable of handling their business.




There you have it! 8 ideas that when implemented, can revolutionize how you run email campaigns. We appreciate that while they sound easy on paper, these ideas can take time and energy to implement, hence we encourage you to use b2b lead generation services where possible.


That said, as you implement the ideas we have discussed above, you need to ask yourself whether your email list is well segmented. This is because even with the best campaign ideas, you are unlikely to succeed if your message is not received by its intended target.


Additionally (and this is a bonus idea), implement a referral programme among customers with whom you have built trust so that they can spread your brand message on your behalf. In every email you send your regular customers, include a referral link and where possible, offer an incentive for referrals.

Things to Be Changed In Your Email Outreach


Things to Be Changed In Your Email Outreach


Outbound cold messaging has been in the market for a quite some time. However, what worked in the year 2014 might be obsolete now. That means you have to change your approach and make necessary changes to make sense out of your email outreach. Most importantly, you should get meaningful results. Let’s have a look at those aspects.


Stop littering inbox mindlessly:


If you are throwing e-mails like throwing leaflets from a helicopter, then you better get mindful now. Its never going to work. First, when you throw e-mails like leaflets, you are going to annoy people. That is not all; you are throwing e-mails without even seeking permission and this will greatly affect your credibility and sense of responsibility as a service provider.


Second, even if you manage to make some people get interested in your email, you are not going to get desired results because there is a certain difference between curiosity and true business relationship. Hence, make sure that you choose your prospects rightly and send highly personalized email.


Customize the template:


You might have heard a lot of telltale about stunning templates awesome effects. However, all those notions are just as bizarre as expecting your customers to read template that you have copied from the web. That is true! When you copy a template, you relegate your authenticity in the event because your readers are not going get surprised by this super idea of coping templates.


In fact, you should be more objective in your approach while creating templates. For instance, you have to know your audience groups’ browsing habits to craft effective templates.


The image below is a template creator that can help you in customizing your template. You can look at other’s e-mail template to understand how they craft their place. Learn, apply and grow.

Customize the template
Image source: contentauthority

Test your campaigns:


If one e-mail campaign fails to bring results, then it does not necessarily mean that you should stop sending cold e-mails. In fact, you should try different kinds of campaigns.

Test your campaigns
Image source: trynotlaughs

The above image is a screenshot of e-mail marketing analytic tool. You can certainly look at the open rate, click rate, CTO rates, bounce rate and unsubscribe rate to identify where things are going wrong.


After identifying the core areas where things look a little murky, you can craft emails again. For instance, a badly crafted subject line can affect your click rate. Similarly, an email with the less effective copy matter can increase the bounce rate. That is true! Small things can impact the overall performance of your e-mail campaign. So, make sure that you have the eye for detail. Experiment with a few formats and you will see that one will just work fine.


Do not start selling at your first email outreach:


If you think that you can persuade your prospects to buy your products and services, then you should be reevaluating your expectation. It is literary impossible to make a sale at the first attempt unless the prospect is in dire need for your products and services. Unfortunately, the chances are really remote for such situations.


So, make certain that you approach it humanely. Start a conversation, intrigue, welcome, introduce yourself and be keen on knowing your prospects. You cannot just build relationships just in two emails. Actually, it takes time to build relationships. So, ensure that you do not go overboard with your selling ideas.


Show a sense of urgency:


It is understandable that you want to read emails at your convenient time but you have to remember that it is not about what you like; in fact, it is about how responsive you are. If you fail to show interest and do not reply to your clients’ emails, then you might lose them. Out of a hundred emails, you might get one reply and you should never miss that opportunity to reply to the customer. You can end up making a huge deal if you respond properly.


Have a lean approach:


You might want to send e-mails in bulk but that is not an ideal way. Undoubtedly, you can reach more people but you need to get a bit more precise if you want to get better results. Make sure that you create small and different groups. Divide them and define the appropriately.


After defining the groups, create different campaigns for each group and send them. That is not the end-game; in fact, you should be testing the campaign’s efficiency by looking at the open rate and other metrics. For instance, if you discover that certain subject line has a better open rate, then you should try to create similar subject line.


Automate but remain human:


The new age digital users are looking for personalized communication. Therefore, you should personalize emails. There are various tools like Woodpecker that can send bulk emails that would be delivered to the inbox exactly the way you would send an e-mail manually. By sending e-mails through automation tools, you might get more replies.

Automate but remain human
Image source: Vabout

Consider deliver-ability:


The deliver-ability of your e-mails depends upon various factors that include the quality of your domain, server configuration, e-mail copy, delivery setting and quality of your client base.


Any factor lacking the quality can hamper your deliver-ability. Hence, ensure that you find out those deliver-ability factors so that you can change settings and your approach to get better results.


The below-mentioned snapshot explains those factors clearly and how it impacts your discoverability. It is not difficult to understand those metrics.

Consider deliverability
Image Source: Wassily

Final note:


You should go beyond the idea of numbers, data and metrics. It is understandable that people emphasize too much on numbers; however, you should be concentrating on results. A good open rate might look like glorifying factor but it would make no sense if it fails to deliver you results. So, ensure that you look at the metrics without getting overwhelmed by the idea of numbers.


The above-mentioned tips should be able to help you in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of your email content. Note; you need to be alert because what works today might become obsolete and ineffective soon.

Author Bio:

Shiva Kushwaha is a lead blogger and content marketer working with Ranking By SEO. He has been working in SEO industry since 2013. He has written on different digital marketing topics including, SEO, Link Building, Content marketing and so on.

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How To Be Creative with Your Email Campaign?


How To Be Creative with Your Email Campaign?


Email marketing is still one of the most tried and tested pillars of digital marketing, and ways to reach customers.


Different marketing trends have come and gone, but email marketing still stands as a steady source of traffic and conversions.


According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing delivers an ROI of 3,800 percent meaning about $38 are made for each $1 spent in an email campaign.


Drumming up inspiration for new ideas isn’t easy either, but, with the same routine, your email campaigns tend to have stale content, become flat, and the performance suffers.


There are many tools and creative ideas you can use to get the wheels turning again, inspire, and improve your next email campaigns.


What follows are some creative and interactive ideas you can use in the never-ending fight to stay fresh, while keeping your audiences engaged.


You can pick what appeals to your own audiences and put your own spin on them.


1. Try new things


The fear of the unknown is real, especially when you’re not sure how your audience will take your new spin on email marketing.


However, not everyone gets it right at their first try so there’s need to iterate, improve, and adapt.


As long as you know your audience, and focus on each individually, you can try out new things and bring your email campaigns alive.


2. Observe punctuality and spark their interest


Bringing traffic and conversions remain the top challenges for any business. Email campaigns are driven to aid these.


Maintain strict schedules for your campaigns to make these more effective.


People tend to wait eagerly for future editions of different content types, so why not emails? Keep your content interesting and if it appeals to your audience, they’ll yearn for the next one all the time.


Set a date, topic, and theme, and stick to this routine. It makes your campaign seem reliable.

Observe punctuality and spark their interest

3. Animate, Animate, Animate


GIFs are probably one of the most popular animated tools you can use in your email campaigns. They’ve become building blocks on the web and are interactive, fun and engaging.


They blend anywhere, cost almost nothing, and can deliver powerful messages easily, as they draw the attention of your audiences.


Find GIFs that represent what you want to communicate or convey. Improve your email campaigns by designing them creatively. Recipients love to see something different all the time.


4. Use imagery


We cannot overstate the fact that a picture is worth a thousand words. But this doesn’t just mean picking any image and pasting it to your campaign.


Find images that work and that would perform better, then make iterations while gauging performances of the content.


These constant alterations ensure that you reach the best conversion rates from your email campaign.

Use imagery

5. Add social proof


There’s nothing like free marketing and more so from user reviews. These boost your popularity, giving users opportunities to chime in while sharing what they think.


Positive user reviews help spread the praise from others about your brand. You can check out social media channels like Twitter or Facebook and others to pick a few positive reviews and use them in your email campaigns.


This is a great way to do it as getting people to write reviews isn’t easy – not many are willing to do it.


6. Video


You cannot underestimate the power of video content.


Showcasing videos in your email marketing campaigns increases engagement and interest in users, helping the emails get better performance, while reaching a wider audience.


Embed videos but make sure they’re as easy to play as possible, by setting them up to play once readers click the play button. Videos help increase overall value and engagement metrics.




Email marketing is both powerful and can deliver conversions affordably. If you want better performance and results from your campaigns, don’t stay in the rut.


Use these and other ways to format and/or present your email content so your campaigns don’t stagnate.


Get innovative and deliver emails reliably to keep your audience tuned in to your brand regardless of the clutter and noise around them.

Author Bio:

Sam Zaman loves to write on technology & related stuff. Ecommerce, mobile and internet marketing equally drive her interest. Likes gardening and experimenting with new recipes. An avid reader and absolutely mad @bout donuts. She is long associated with Mofluid.